In this article we will discuss Approval Workflows with Power Automate. We will cover the various types of approvals, the outcomes of approvals in different scenarios, and how approvals can be taken through various platforms such as the Approval Action Center, email, the Power Automate mobile app, and Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft Power Automate : Approval Workflow

This video has details on building different types of Approval flow with the help of Microsoft Power Automate. And explored all the features and procedure to build where build in actions are given to accelerate time with no code solution and learn to leverage its advance features.
- Events
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Free Training Session on Power Automate: Approval Workflow

Event : Free Training Session, Day 3Date : 14 August 2021 at 4 pm Registration Link Session: “Power Automate: Approval Workflow” Speaker: “Md. Tahmidul Abedin”, MVP – C# Corner and Software Engineer at Genweb2. Session Abstract: Explore multiple types of Approval Workflow using Microsoft Power Automate to accelerate your time with no code solution […]
SharePoint Workflow Retirement

The post discusses Microsoft’s announcement regarding the retirement of SP Designer-based workflows and presents alternative solutions.